Monday, February 07, 2005

Community Service Volunteering

Many of you have heard that you should be contributing your time, giving back to your communtiy, volunteering at a community service organization, but you don't know how to get started.

When top colleges and scholarship foundations are reviewing applications, very often, one of the key components to how they decide who to accept is the quality and commitment that you may have to "community service." The word commitment is very important to understand. An impressive community service record is one that shows a certain dedication to an organization or cause. This means that you are fairly involved in an activity, that it is important to you and you spend time giving your talents to that activity.

It is less impressive to the scholarships and colleges that you volunteered a few hours here and a few hours there. While going down to serve meals at a homeless shelter twice last year for a total of 15 hours is very kind of you and probably made you feel good, this type of activity is not what could help you stand apart. Perhaps you became a regular at the homeless shelter, working for them a few hours every week. Then, as part of your experience, you thought of a fundraiser, clothing drive or food drive that you conducted in your school or neighborhood for the benefit of the shelter. Now, you are becoming a vital part of that organization and your accomplishments are impressive.

Now people understand that not everyone wants to work at a homeless shelter. You all have the opportunity to take one of your interests and develop a community service project and commitment to it. Suppose you are a nature lover and you wanted to help clean up your community. Maybe you are a bmx stunt rider or skate board afficianado and you can help teach younger kids to learn stunts. Perhaps you have a great interest in animation and you want to start a club at a middle school. There are many ways you can take your interests and contribute to the community.

Not everyone has developed interests and can come up with projects on their own. You can use a community service search program This is a website that will help put you in touch with organizations in the Greater Denver area that you can volunteer with. You don't need to come up with your own ideas. There are many established groups that need you. They need committed students to help and contribute their time regularly.

Look into it and act on it. Those students who are being recognized for outstanding community service are doing it during their 10th and 11th grade years. You can't wait until senior year to get started. You have questions? See Counselor Lentini and he can help you get started.